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A praxeological perspective for the design and implementation of a digital role-play game


Sanchez, E., Monod-Ansaldi, R., Vincent, C., & Safadi, S. (2017). A Praxeological Perspective for the Design and Implementation of a Digital Role-Play Game. Education and Information Technologies.

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This paper draws on an empirical work dedicated to discussing a theoretical model for design-based research. The context of our study is a research project for the design, the implementation and the analysis of Insectophagia, a digital role-play game implemented in secondary schools. The model presented in this paper aims at conceptualizing researchers’ and practitioners’ relationships with the notion that knowledge development takes place at a meta-didactical level when the participants develop a shared practice and a shared discourse on practice (a common praxeology). This is done through collaboration and teacher-centered design of innovative learning settings. This model emerges from a double approach: (1) a literature review on collaborative research in education and, (2) an analysis of the verbal interactions of practitioners and researchers involved in the project. The study emphasizes the development of knowledge among participants. It also emphasizes the importance of knowledge brokering for filling the gap between research and practice and thus, for the adoption of digital technology by practitioners.



Nouvelles publications

EIAH2017_300.png. Djelil, F., Sanchez, E., Albouy-Kissi, B., & Albouy-Kissi, A. (2017). Acquisition de connaissances de programmation en fonction des stratégies d’apprentissage : une étude empirique du micromonde PrOgO. In D. Guin, B. de Lièvre, & M. C. Trestini, B (Eds.), Actes de la 8ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (pp. 41-52). Strasbourg: ATIEF.
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. Sanchez, E., & Mandran, N. (2017). Compétition et collaboration dans le cadre d’apprentissage par le jeu : une étude de cas. In N. Guin, B. De Lièvre, M. Trestini, & B. Coulibaly (Eds.), Actes de la 8ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (pp. 269-280). Strasbourg: ATIEF.
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