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Characterizing the Experimental Procedure in Science Laboratories



Une nouvelle publication avec des collègues du Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble...

Girault, I., d'Ham, C., Ney, M., Sanchez, E., & Wajeman, C. (2011). Characterizing the Experimental Procedure in Science Laboratories: A preliminary step towards students experimental design International Journal of Science Education, 33(11).

Many studies have stressed students' lack of understanding of experiments in laboratories. Some researchers suggest that if students design all or parts of entire experiment, as part of an inquiry-based approach, it would overcome certain difficulties. It requires that a procedure be written for experimental design. The aim of this paper is to describe the characteristics of a procedure in science laboratories, in an educational context. As a starting point, this paper proposes a model in the form of a hierarchical task diagram that gives the general structure of any procedure. This model allows both the analysis of existing procedures and the design of a new inquiry-based approach. The obtained characteristics are further organized into criteria that can help both teachers and students assess a procedure during and after its writing. These results are obtained through two different sets of data. First, the characteristics of procedures are established by analysing laboratory manuals. This allows the organization and type of information in procedures to be defined. This analysis reveals that students are seldom asked to write a full procedure, but sometimes have to specify tasks within a procedure. Secondly, iterative interviews are undertaken with teachers. This leads to the list of criteria to evaluate the procedure.

vers la revue...


Cat4u A European Teacher Training Course for Science Teachers

CAT4U.pngL'ouvrage auquel j'ai collaboré dans le cadre du projet européen CAT vient de paraître. Il peut être téléchargé sur le site du projet :


Welzel-Breuer, M. & al. (2010) Cat4u A European Teacher Training Course for Science Teachers. Handbook for a teacher training course. Plovdiv University Press.


Expérimentation d'enseignements scientifiques rénovés en classe de seconde

investigation_INRP.pngL'ensemble des enregstrements de la journée d'étude "Expérimentation d'enseignements scientifiques rénovés en classe de seconde " du 18 novembre 2009 sont en ligne sur le site de l'INRP.




Voir en particulier la table ronde que j'ai animée :

Table ronde : Démarche d’investigation  dans l’enseignement des sciences : regards croisés
Animée par : Eric SANCHEZ, EducTice/INRP, LEPS/Université de Lyon.

- Un point de vue institutionnel : Frederic THOLLON, Inspecteur Général de l'Education Nationale. Robert CABANE, Inspecteur Général de l'Education Nationale.
- Le cahier des charges comme moyen d’initier les élèves à une science expérimentale ouverte,  Bernard DARLEY, IUFM Aquitaine.
- Quels éléments prendre en compte pour concevoir des situations d’investigation scientifiques ? Réalisation d’une grille de critères,  Daniel DEVALLOIS, Lycée Saint Julien en Genevois - EducTice INRP.