Pokemon Go dans les salles de classe, bonne idée ou impasse?
La rentrée scolaire est un marronnier qui vient de fleurir. Difficile pour les médias d'en renouveler le traitement et les questions posées sont parfois saugrenues. Voila la réponse apportée à l'une d'entre elles (dépêche AFP du 25 août 2016) par quelques grands penseurs de l'éducation. Qu'ils me pardonnent de caricaturer leurs propos.
22:16 Publié dans Jeux et apprentissage/games and learning | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Toward a Play Management System for Game-Based Learning (nouvelle publication)
Ce papier sera présenté dans le cadre de la conférence ECTEL 2016 le 15 septembre 201.
Sanchez, E., Piau-Toffolon, C., Oubahssi, L., Serna, A., Marfisi-Schottman, I., Loup, G., & George, S. (2016). Toward a Play Management System for Game-Based Learning. Paper presented at the EC-TEL 2016.
This position paper is dedicated to describing a preliminary model of an integrated system, called Play Management System (PMS). PMS offers new perspectives for introducing game-based learning into an educational context. Indeed, PMS is designed to support both players and teachers to deliver, use, manage and track play situations. This PMS model results from a design-based research methodology carried out with secondary teachers. This work consisted in designing and experimenting two games, in real school contexts, with more than 16 teachers from 5 high-schools. Our approach focuses (1) on the learners and takes into consideration the situation that emerges when they play the game, rather than the artifact or the system dedicated to play and (2) on the teacher who wants to implement and manage a game-based learning situation. Thus, we argue for a shift from a game-based to a play-based perspective.
11:57 Publié dans Jeux et apprentissage/games and learning | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
Characterizing Social Engagement in a Digital Role-Playing Game (nouvelle communication)
11:49 Publié dans Jeux et apprentissage/games and learning | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)