The place of Education in Knowledge Societies: Changing Paradigms, Managing sustainable Education
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Roeswik, S., Webb, M., Brodnik, A., Sanchez, E., & Delgado Kloos, C. (2013). The place of Education in Knowledge Societies: Changing Paradigms. Paper presented at the Toward knowledge societies for peace and sustainable development, WSIS+10 Review Event, Paris.
This session is presented by IFIP TC3, the Technical Committee on Education of the International Federation for Information Processing, and has been prepared by the its different international Working Groups.
The session will consider, discuss and produce core statements and recommendations, providing concrete ideas for action. These recommendations will enrich the WSIS reflection and be followed up and enriched, particularly at the WCCE 2013, the World Conference on Computers in Education (Torun, Poland, July 2013).
The session will be held in 3 parts:
1. Introduction: The role and place of Education and Schools in Knowledge Societies.
2. "Changing Educational Paradigms".
3. "Managing sustainable Education".
Then discussion of the recommendations.
Parts 2 and 3 will be held as short round-tables with several presenters introducing the statements and recommendations.
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