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Communication à IIGWE2011

logo_ifip.pngWhen games meet learning

Tuesday 16 August 2011 - 2.00pm- 3.00pm full paper session

IIGWE2011 - ICT and Informatics in a Globalized World of Education
Mombasa, Kenya

In a context characterized by a growing gap between youth digital culture and school culture, some have claimed that Game-Based Learning should be considered as an alternative pedagogy adapted to new learners. This paper examines the arguments and objections to using games for educational purposes. Firstly, we state that making a connection between gaming and learning is not an innovative idea, as early researchers demonstrated the potential of games in child development. Secondly, we establish arguments for considering serious games as learning environments (or didactical situations), as opposed to artifacts. Thirdly, in view of the fact that the content of games can be considered as metaphors of real situations, we stipulate that teachers question the relevance of this content. Fourthly, we discuss the main arguments usually emphasized by researchers for considering that games have the power to motivate students. Fifthly, we state that games can be considered as a space of reflexivity where the learner/player is autonomous and develops skills. However, we emphasize the crucial role of the teacher in a Game-Based Learning approach.


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