Prochaines conférences dans lesquelles je communiquerai
e.learning Africa à Dakar
Sanchez, E., Soury-Lavergne, S. Pairform@nce, Formation en ligne d’enseignants, anticiper l’appropriation dès la conception. e-Learning Africa - 4th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training, Dakar, Sénégal
AGIT_2009 à Salzbourg
Sanchez, E., & Jouneau-Sion, C. Playing in the Classroom with a Virtual Globe for Geography Learning. GI_Forum, Salzburg, Austria.
ESRI International User Conference à San Diego
Sanchez, E. How Can GIS Improve the Learning Process? 2009 ESRI International User Conference, San Diego, California.
9th World Conference on Computers in Education à Bento Gonçalves
Sanchez, E. Innovative teaching/learning with geotechnologies in secondary education. 9th World Conference on Computers in Education, Bento Gonçalves. RS. Brasil.
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